The industry-intensive Great Lakes region is critically important to the economy and quality of life that Canada and the US enjoy – yet no cross-border event existed for both sides to discuss advancing sustainable development and competitiveness issues.
In 2000, GLOBE Events developed the Toronto-based EECO Energy and Environment Conference to fill that gap. The first bi-national conference and exposition series of its kind, bringing together American and Canadian representatives of industry, government, cities, and trade and environmental organizations to address the key challenges and opportunities at the heart of sustainable development for the Great Lakes region.
These powerful forums influenced the trade and environment agenda for the whole of the Great Lakes economic region. EECO dealt with such critical issues as clean air, clean energy, and climate change adaptation, and the associated impacts on manufacturing, transportation, energy and urban development for the region.
The last EECO: Environment and Energy Conference took place in June 2007.
EECO 2007 Conference Program (PDF)