EPIC: The Sustainable Living Expo is a consumer lifestyle event series created to introduce the public to new environmentally-friendly products and services that mix style and quality with sustainability. It is a solutions-based, family-oriented event that educates and entertains visitors about the benefits of green living and debuts cutting edge products that leave a softer footprint.

The EPIC marketplace attracts a diverse range of companies who focus on social and ecological sustainability, and features the latest eco-trends in fashion, technology, transportation, food, home, health and beauty. The Main Stage includes presentations by eco-experts in everything from green weddings to eco-friendly home renovations, as well as celebrity chefs and fashion shows featuring the latest in sustainable clothing.

Tickets are now on sale for EPIC 2012, which will be held May 11-13 at the Vancouver Convention Centre West.

For more information, please visit www.epicexpo.com.